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Hanterandet av transnationellt arbete i Sverige: Betydelsen av medborgarskap och bekönade och rasifierade processer på en segmenterad arbetsmarknad


Detta projekt syftar till att undersöka skiftande migrationsregimer och hur sysselsättningen och arbetskraften skiljer kategorier av migranter i Sverige. Relationerna mellan arbetsgivare och invandrare blir allt mer avgörande för möjligheter och begränsningar i migranters livssituationer i system baserad på "managed migration" (hanteriande av migration). Arbetsgivarna blir också engagerad i globala ekonomiska förbindelser och samtidigt förhandlar och skapar relationerna mellan nationen och migrantarbetare.


Migration, Segmentation, Work, gender, labour migration


This project aims at investigating shifting migration regimes and how employment and labor differentiates categories of migrants in Sweden. Relations between employers and migrants become increasingly crucial for opportunities and restraints in migrant life situations in systems of managed migration. Employers also become engaged in global economic relations and at the same time negotiate the relations between the nation and the migrant workers.

This project is based on interviews with employers who have experiences of recruiting transnational migrant workers from countries in Asia for work in Sweden, or employer representatives who are actively engaging in exchange of labor between two countries. As a complementary material I have also made observations and talked to transnational workers in what is often referred to as ?high-skilled? and ?low-skilled? sectors.

The construction of different migrant categories in relation to the work they do can be understood as both gendered and based on notions of nation and ethnicity. I approach the analyses of my material by asking questions concerning how aspects of economy and cultural belonging affect how transnational migrant workers or temporary labor migrants in Sweden are understood as ?different to? or ?the same as? ?Swedish? workers.


Schierup, C-U, Krifors, Karin and Slavnic, Zoran (2013) Social Exkludering - om migration och social utsatthet, in Dahlstedt and Neergaard (eds), Migration, etnicitet och samhälle: Nyckelbegrepp i etnicitets och migrationsstudier. Liber: Malmö
Krifors, Karin (2013) "Migrant labour and shifting migration regimes in Sweden", report for the project
"Migration and Entrepreneurs" at Institut Français des Relations Internationales, Ifri, Paris, http://www.ifri.org/?page=contribution-detail&id=7563
Krifors, Karin (2009), Exploring Flexibility - a case study of cleaning work in Sweden, MA thesis, Lund University

2010 - 2017


FAS/FORTE Research environment funding

REMESO Project Leader

Karin Krifors, Postdoc

Scientifically Responsible

Anders Neergaard, Professor

Contact for project


Last updated: 2016-04-12

Page responsible: erik.berggren@liu.se
Last updated: 2020-05-27