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Multiculturalism, Nation and Globalisation: Movements for Social Transformation


The project explores research and debates on multiculturalism, social cohesion and liberal values in academic discourse, policy documents and the media. It scrutinises discourses voicing anxiety over "multiculturalism" in societies marked by the erosion of citizenship, urban revolts among disadvantaged migrant youth, an ongoing nationalist-populist alignment and exclusivist policies of migration and "integration".


Civil society, Multiculturalism, Nation and Nationalism , Social exclusion, welfare


The project explores current research and debates on multiculturalism, social cohesion and liberal values in academic discourse, policy documents and the media. It scrutinises discourses voicing anxiety over "multiculturalism" in societies marked by the erosion of citizenship, urban revolts among disadvantaged migrant youth, an ongoing nationalist-populist alignment and exclusivist policies of migration and "integration". Several articles produced within the project review the Swedish trajectory between a liberal multicultural agenda and policies of asylum and naturalisation towards an alignment with currently rising identity politics, securitisation of integration policy and the institutionalisation of new exclusionary policies of "managed migration". The project scrutinises, in an international comparative perspective, the development of neo-liberal politics on economic growth and their relation to contemporary neo-conservative politics concerned with moral duty, cultural homogeneity and community cohesion. It examines "countermovements" to neoliberal commodification both in the shape of, on the one hand, neo-fascist populism and, on the other hand, new anti-racist urban justice movements struggling to reclaim a fair globalisation, welfare and non-racial community development.


Ålund, Aleksandra och Carl Ulrik Schierup (2021 forthcoming) 'Multikulturalismens paradoxer i retrospekt och prospekt', Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift (höst)

Ålund, Aleksandra, Carl Ulrik Schierup och Magnus Dahlstedt (2022) 'Mångkulturalismens paradoxer i backspegeln ', in Dalhstedt, Magnus and Niklas Altermark (eds.) Bortom systemskiftet - mot en ny gemenskap, Stockholm: Verbal förlag

Ålund A., Schierup C.-U. and Neergaard A. (2017 Reimagineering the Nation. Essays on Twenty First Century Sweden. Frankfurt and New York (NY): Peter Lang.

Rosales R.L. and Ålund A. (forthcoming 2016) 'Renaissance from the margins ? Urban youth activism in Sweden?'. In Ålund, Aleksandra, Carl-Ulrik Schierup and Anders Neergaard (eds.) Reimaginiering the Nation. Essays on Swedish Society (preliminary). New York: Peter Lang

Schierup C.U., Alund A. and Kings L. (2014) 'Reading the Stockholm riots - a moment for social justice?'. Race & Class, 55(3): 1-21.

Aleksandra Ålund and Carl Ulrik Schierup (2013), "The role of cultural memory in contemporary activism: Staging gender and belonging in a transforming welfare state", Paper for the international scientific conference Heritage and Development: Socio-Economic, socio-ecological and socio-cultural aspects. University of Split, 27-28 September 2013th

Ålund, Aleksandra (2012) Alterity, In George Ritzer (ed.) The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Globalization. First Edition, Blackwell Publishing Ltd (2012) vol.1 pp 52-53..

Puskas, T. och Ålund, A.(2012) Etnicitet ? gränsdragningens och skillnadsskapandets komplexitet I Dahlstedt M. och Neergaard A (red) (2012 kommande). Migrationens och etnicitetens epok: Nyckelbegrepp inom internationell migration och etniska relationer. Stockholm: Liber.

Schierup, C-U and A. Ålund (2011) "From Paradoxes of Multiculturalism to Paradoxes of Liberalism", Journal for Critical Education Policy Studies (JCEPS) Volume 9, Nr 2 (November 2011) ISSN 1740-2743. Pp. 125-139.

Schierup, Carl-Ulrik &Aleksandra Ålund (2011)) From paradoxes of multiculturalism to paradoxes of liberalism at the conference: Nation-State, Immigration and Cultural pluralism (in Russian). International Conference, in Malahova, Tishkova and ?.F. Jakovljevoj (eds.), Moscow: IKAR

Alund A. och Minoo Alinia (2011), "I skuggan av etno-kulturella stereotypier; Perspektiv på forskning om genus, jämställdhet och etniska relationer i Sverige", Sociologisk forskning. Nr 2/2011. Pp 43-64

Schierup, C-U (2010 ) "What 'agency' should we be multi about? The multicultural agenda reviewed", in Vertovec, S and G Bauman (eds.) Multiculturalism

Schierup, C-U and A Ålund (2010) Beyond Liberal Pluralism. Migration and Politics of Exclusion in Europe, Themes on Migration and Ethnic Studies, 32,

Schierup, C-U and A. Ålund (2011) "The End of Swedish Exceptionalism? Citizenship, neo-liberalism and politics of exclusion," Race and Class,. Vol. 53(1).45-64.

Schierup C.-U. (1993) På kulturens slagmark: mindretal og størretal taler om Danmark. Esbjerg: Southern Jutland University Press.

Ålund A. and Schierup C.-U. (1991) Paradoxes of Multiculturalism. Essays on Swedish Society. Aldershot: Avebury. Republished 2009 as E-Book on the REMESO home-page, Linköpings University as: http://liu.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf?pid=diva2:213706.

Schierup C.-U. (1988) 'Integration? Indvandrere, kultur og samfund'. Billesø & Baltzer. http://www.uriasposten.dk/bibliografi/Schierup-Integration.htm#Del%20I:%20Danser%20de%20for%20traditionens%20skyld (accessed 29 March, 2016)

Schierup C.-U. and Ålund A. (1987) Will They Still Be Dancing? Integration and Ethnic Transformation among Yugoslav Immmigrants in Scandinavian. Stockholm: Almquist and Wiksell International.

Other Academic Output

Carl-Ulrik Schierup, Key-note speech: A European Dilemma, CINEFOGO (Network of excellence) conference; European citizenship- challenges and possibilities, Roskilde Universitet, 1-3 febr 2007

Keynote speech (Ålund and Schierup). From paradoxes of multiculturalism to paradoxes of liberalism at the conference: Nation-State, Immigration and Cultural pluralism. International Conference, Moskva. Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences, 18-19 September 2009.

Organisation of international workshop, REMESO, Paradoxes of Liberalism and the Conundrum of Solidarity, Norrköping 4 octobre,2011.
Specially invited speaker: Migration and the dual crisis of national identity and the welfare state: a European dilemma, European Studies Centre, Oxford University, 22 febr 2007

Ålund, Aleksandra & Carl-Ulrik Schierup. Participation with paper in internationell RECODE (European Science foundation network on Responding to complex diversities in Europe and Canada) workshop De-territorialized Diversity:Global and Transnational Dimensions 7-8/5, 2012, Universitetet i Oslo.

1985 - 2022


FAS/FORTE Research environment funding
Linköpings universitet

REMESO Project Leader

Carl-Ulrik Schierup, Professor

Scientifically Responsible

Aleksandra Ålund, Professor Emerita

Participants from REMESO

Anders Neergaard
Lisa Kings
Magnus Dahlstedt

Participants not from REMESO

Contact for project


Last updated: 2022-01-20

Page responsible: erik.berggren@liu.se
Last updated: 2020-05-27