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Young People and Sexual Risk-taking: An Intersectional Analysis of Representations, Knowledge and Experiences


The aim of this project is to examine representations, knowledge and experiences around youth and sexual risk. The recent years´increase of sexually transmitted diseases indicates that sexual risk taking among young men and women are relatively common. Previous research has also shown that such risk taking varies among different groups of young people. The project will therefore specifically focus on how - depending upon class, ethnicity and sexual identity - different masculinities and femininities are linked to sexual risk taking. The project sets out from a theoretical understanding that social structures and cultural contexts shape the understanding of what constitutes "risky" and "safe" sexual practices. It uses discourse theory as an over all methodological framework, and applies several qualitative methods. It is divided into three substudies: (1) the first examines informational and educational safer sex material targeting young people; (2) the second examines, through focus group interviews, how young people interprets a selection of the same material; (3) and the third observe the formal school based sex education through observations and single interviews.


Education, Health, Intersectionality, Sexuality, Safer sex


Bredström, Anna (2016) Normkritik, rasism och rättigheter: En svårvandrad terräng, Ikaros, 1-2, 2016: 31?33.

Bolander, Eva (2015) The condom works in all situations? Paradoxical messages in mainstream sex education in Sweden, Sex Education, 15 (3):289-302.

Bredström, Anna (2014) Sex på kartan? Om tonårssexualitet, rasism och sexualupplysning i Sverige, in Sandell, K., Sager, M. och Nora Räthzel (eds), Kritiska gemenskaper: att skriva feministisk och postkolonial vetenskap, Lund: Media-tryck, Lunds universitet.

Other Academic Output

Eva Bolander - Inkluderande sexualundervisning? Talk at the conference Migration, prevention och sexuell hälsa, arranged by Region Skåne and Malmö stad, 15 September 2016

Jenny Bengtsson & Eva Bolander - Inclusive sex education: Norm challenges, boundary reinforcement? Paper presentation at Gender and Education Association Biennal Interim Conference "Gender Equality Matters: Education, Intersectionality and Nationalism", Linköping 15-17 June 2016

Jenny Bengtsson, Eva Bolander & Anna Bredström - Rights, risks and anti-racism. Paper presentation at the international workshop: Power, Norms and Identities in Sex Education ? International comparisons, Norrköping 13-14 June 2016. Read more at: http://www.isv.liu.se/remeso/Nyheter/alla-nyheter?l=sv&newsitem=687527

Anna Bredström, Migration och etnicitet i svensk hiv-politik: från kulturpluralism till nyassimilering and Antirasistisk hiv-prevention: teoretiska perspektiv och sexualpolitiska utmaningar. Lectures at the work shop HIV-prevention and Anti-racism, arranged by RFSU Göteborg et al., Gothenburg 22 January 2016

Jenny Bengtsson - Från risk till rättighet? Om unga, sex och undervisning. Talk at the education practice conference "Forskning pågår", utbildningsvetenskapliga fakulteten, Göteborgs universitet 28 October 2015

Jenny Bengtsson - Risk, rättigheter och antirasism. Talk at the World Aids Day network meeting, Världskulturmuseet, Göteborg 14 October 2015

Anna Bredström - Antirasistisk sexualundervisning: teoretiska perspektiv och sexualpolitiska utmaningar. Talk at the Seminar Migration, kunskap och hälsa, arrangerat av RFSU, Stockholm, september 2014

Eva Bolander, Malena Gustavson & Anna Bredström - Mapping sex: intersectional readings of Swedish sex education. Talk at the seminar Transversal Dialogues on Intersectionality, organized by the VR-project Feminist Theorizings Intersectionality, Transversal Dialogues and New Synergies, Linköping, 7 March, 2013

Anna Bredström - Intersectionality and the ontological autonomy of social divisions: A discourse theoretical critique. Paper presented at the REMESO/tema Genus joint Workshop Intersectionality: theoretical and methodological perspectives, Norrköping, 19 February 2013

Eva Bolander & Jenny Bengtsson - 'Sex på kartan': Nya gränsdragningar kring identitet, praktik och sexuellt risktagande, paper presented at Nationell konferens för genusforskning, Göteborg, 30 november 2012

Anna Bredström - Alkohol och sexuellt risktagande. Public seminar organized by Alkoholpolitiskt Forum Väst, Göteborg, 21 November 2012

Anna Bredström - Migration, Ethnicity and HIV-policy. Talk at the workshop HIV/STI-prevention riktad till migranter, organized by Göteborgs Stad, Social resursförvaltning, 2 May 2012

Anna Bredström - Young People, alcohol and Sexual Risk Taking. Paper presented at the Centre for Social Research on Alcohol and Drugs (SoRAD), Stockholm University, 26 April 2012

Anna Bredström - Alcohol och sexuellt risktagande. Web based seminar, Swedish Institute for Communicable Disease Control, 15 February 2012

2012 - 2017



REMESO Project Leader

Anna Bredström, Senior Lecturer

Participants not from REMESO

  • Dr Eva Bolander, Linköping University
  • Dr. Jenny Bengtsson, Göteborg University

Contact for project


Last updated: 2017-01-04

Page responsible: erik.berggren@liu.se
Last updated: 2020-05-27