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Implementation of the Swedish Government's Policy Goals of 'Integration of Immigrants' in the Policy Area of Regional and Local Development.


The objective of the project is to describe and analyze the governments steering of the complex objective of Swedish integration policy in the policy area of regional development and map out obstacles for such an implementation as well as the results of it.

The projects will describe and analyse the implementation of the Swedish integration policy in the policy area of Regional development by using interviews, participating observations and analysing relevant documents. The main research area is on regional and local development partnership. Concepts from network governance theory and policy analysis are used for the analysis. The Study raises questions on the correspondence between governmental policy goals and practises in different regions and local contexts and explores the governmental steering in a network governance model of partnerships with autonomous actors. The project has a comparative approach as well as an in-depth study of a development region.


Governance , Regional development, Social exclusion/inclusion, Integration policy, Partnerships


Andersson, R. (2011) Mainstreaming av integration: om översättning av policy och nätverksstyrning med förhinder inom den regionala utvecklingspolitiken, 1998-2007. Linköping: Linköping University.

Andersson R, Rundqvist M. (2009) 'A capacity builiding evaluation of integration and diversity in regional projects.' In Learning Through Ongoing Evaluation. Lund: Studentlitteratur. p. 253-266.

Andersson R, Rundqvist M. (2009) 'Integration och mångfald i regionala projekt.' In Lärande utvärdering genom följeforskning. Lund: Studentlitteratur. p. 245-257.

Andersson R. (2008) 'Inclusion of immigrants -- effects of diffent kinds of partnerships.' In Partnership: As a Stragegy for Social Innovation and Sustainable Change. Stockholm: Santérus Academic Press. p. 159-172.

Andersson, R. (2006). 'Äktenskap med förhinder -- försök med en politik för att förena ekonomisk tillväxt och integration till invandring i de svenska storstäderna.' In Kors & tvärs: Intersektionalitet och makt i storstadens arbetsliv. Stockholm, Normal förlag.

Other Academic Output

Conference Participation
- (2006) 'Implementation without a grounded conviction: The attempt to combine regional entrepreneurship policy with the objective of integration of immigrants, 1998-2004- in Sweden', paper presented at the 14th Nordic Conference on Small-Business Research, May 11-13 2006, Stockholm, Sweden.
- (2005)'Obstacles and opportunities for integration of migrants in narratives of regional identity in Regional Growth Programs 2004-2007 in Sweden.', at the Conferences of Regional Identities, Cultures & Images - A path to regional development? International Semi¬nar, 10-12th March 2005, Linköping University, Nor¬rköping, Sweden.
- (2005) 'Marriage with Obstacles - experiment with com¬bining policies for regional economic growth and inclu¬sion of immigrants in Sweden' at the ECPR Summer School Historical regions and 'New Regionalism': So¬cial and Cultural Perspectives, Firenze, Italy, 2005.

Dissemination ? lectures
Lecturer on the workshop 'Mångfald i arbetslivet som tillväxtstrategi' at the 'Metropolitan Forum' in Göteborg 31 January 2005, arr: Swedish Institute for Growth Policy Studies and The Commission on Metropolitan Areas in Sweden.
Lecturer and organiser at the conference on 'Partnership for integration' arranged by the Partnership for Multi-Ethnic Integration, 11-12 November 2004, Stockholm
Lecturer at the conference 'Ethnicity driven business - a growth factor,' 10-11 March 2004 in Norrköping.
Organiser: 'Small-Business and Immigrants - for a re¬gional and local growth. Obstacles and opportunities,' Norrköping November 26, 2003.

2003 - 2010


FAS/FORTE Research environment funding
The National Institute for Working Life

REMESO Project Leader

Ragnar Andersson, Expert

Contact for project

Last updated: 2011-09-28

Page responsible: erik.berggren@liu.se
Last updated: 2020-05-27