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Migrant precariat and the frames of solidarity - possibilities and constraints for transversal collective action


The project deals with the relations between social movements, trade unions and disadvantaged groups of migrant workers on the labour market. These groups could also be denominated as the precariat. More specifically the focus is set on irregular immigrants, discriminated workers and seasonal guest workers. The primary target for the project is to explore the ways actors in the civil society manage to build supportive relations to these groups of workers and other organisations in the field. The project is guided by the overarching research question: What are the possibilities and constraints for civil society organisations to establish and maintain transversal relations with disadvantaged groups of migrant workers and their organisations? The task is thus, on the one hand, to investigate how trade unions take on these new challenges within their field and to explore: the new strategies developed by the trade unions; and their collaborations with new social movements organisations. On the other hand, the project centres on new social movements' collaborations with neighbouring actors, their articulations of the problems; and their strategies to provide solutions to the problems.


Civil society, Informal/irregular , Labour standards/rights, Partnership, Trade Unions


Ålund, Aleksandra, Mesic Nedzad, Kings Lisa & Dahlstedt, Magnus (2013). Framing the mobilization of migrants in Sweden. Migration Letters. Sept 2013 Volume: 10, No: 3, pp. 277-287 ISSN: 1741-8984 & eISSN: 1741-8992.

Mesic, N. and A. Ålund (2011) "Asymmetric Partnership; Migrant organisations, Trade unions and Equality Ombudsman". Revija za sociologiju. Vol 41. No 1. pp.51-76.

Other Academic Output

Ålund, A., N. Mesic, L. Kings & M. Dahlstedt (2012), Framing the Mobilization of Migrants in Sweden Immigrants and Civil Society. 16th Nordic Migration Research Conference & 9th ETMU Days (13-15/8 2012), Turku, Finland
Mesic, N, (2011) Asymmetric Partnership: Migrant organisations, Trade Unions and Equality Ombudsman. IMER-förbundet (Internationell Migration och Etniska Relationer), Konferens: Motstånd och särskiljandets praktik – rasism och antirasism nu och då (17-18/12 2011), Norrköping

Mesic, N, (2011) co-organiser of the Internationall Workshop (cooperation REMESO/LiU and Swedish UNESCO-MOST) Labour Rights as Human Rights? Migration, Labour Market Restructuring, and the Role of Civil Society in Global Governance, 23 February 2011, Norrköping.

Mesic, N, Conference Secretary: International workshop at REMESO "Paradoxes of Liberalism and the Conundrum of Solidarity" the 4th of October 2011, Norrköping.

2010 - 2017


FAS/FORTE Research environment funding
Linköpings universitet

REMESO Project Leader

Nedzad Mesic, Postdoc

Scientifically Responsible

Magnus Dahlstedt, Professor

Participants from REMESO

Aleksandra Ålund
Charles Woolfson
Zoran Slavnic

Participants not from REMESO

Contact for project


Last updated: 2018-02-05

Page responsible: erik.berggren@liu.se
Last updated: 2020-05-27