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An ethnographic exploration of anti-genderism: ideas, identities and political practices in the Nordic region


Gender and sexuality matter in politics. The term Anti-genderism identifies a deep societal conflict in the challenge and resistance to the global expansion of women´s and sexual minorities’ rights, and the
democratization of the family. It highlights political and cultural agendas demanding re-patriarchalisation and retraditionalisation of both families, individuals, and societies. The research team has crafted a novel interdisciplinary and comparative program, bringing together a solid conceptual frame on the nexus gender, sexuality and family, through a multi-sited ethnography, towards a systematic exploration of a fundamental paradox: the centrality of gender equality in the Nordic region and the successful establishment of antigenderism coalitions at the core of the Nordic countries. The aim of the research program will be to analyze antigenderism as ideas, collective identities, communities of belonging and political projects in the Nordic region (here defined as Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden) focusing on civil society organizations and networks, mainstream political parties and religious institutions.


Gender, Racialisation/Racism/"race", Populism, Antigenderism, Antienvironmentalism

2021 - 2027



REMESO Project Leader

Anders Neergaard, Professor

Participants not from REMESO

  • Associate Professor Cristian Norocel, Department of Gender study, Lund University, CI
  • PhD. Ståle Holgersen, Department of Cultural Geography, Uppsala University, CI
  • Professor Diana Mulinari, Department of Gender study, Lund University, Program director, PI
  • Professor Lena Martinsson, Department of Cultural studies, Gothenburg University, CI
  • Professor Ulrika Dahl, Centre for gender studies, Uppsala University, CI

Contact for project


Last updated: 2021-02-08

Page responsible: erik.berggren@liu.se
Last updated: 2020-05-27